Feline Training & Behavior
Do you dream of starting a rewarding new career in cat training? Would you like to understand their behavior, drives, and emotions? If so, a Specialized Certificate in Feline Training and Behavior is for you! Our comprehensive program goes beyond simple problem solving.
​Your training will allow you to:
Use fundamental & advanced training techniques
Create appropriate diets and offer nutritional counseling
Work with diverse clients
Interview for solutions
Build training plans that really work
Administer first aid, CPR and handle emergencies
Solve common behavioral issues, such as scratching and improper elimination
Understand behavioral development in kittens and younger cats
Comprehend feline communication and body language
Manage sexual behavior and reproduction
Handle aggressive behavior in cats
Treat fears and phobias
And much, much more!
The specialized certificate in Feline Training and Behavior requires the completion of three online courses (9 academic credits) and a requirement, 40 hours of hands-on experience as an employee, intern or volunteer at an approved institution of your choice.​
​Required courses:
ABI 235 Feline Training
ABI 272 Feline Behavior and Enrichment
ABI 313 Feline Health and Nutrition
Upon graduation, students will earn their certificate and may begin using the designation CFTBS, Certified Feline Training and Behavior Specialist. Many of our graduates start their own businesses after obtaining their certificate, working as independent cat trainers and behavioral consultants. Other graduates find work in kennels, animal shelters, veterinary practices, animal control agencies, sanctuaries or other cat-related organizations. The animal care and service industry, which includes animal trainers, is expected to grow at 15% over the next decade*. Opportunities in training have never been greater!
Our Approach
Students at the Animal Behavior Institute participate in a highly interactive online classroom, engaging in regular dialog with their professors and student colleagues. You'll receive feedback each week, completing collaborative projects while working with your own animals. This collaboration, coupled with the weekly mentoring each student receives from their instructors, ensures that you will receive a very personal education.